Saturday morning session at The Felix Project's Poplar depot

Come and join our Saturday sessions at the Felix Project! (PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF TIME)
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Saturday morning session at The Felix Project's Poplar depot

Come and join our Saturday sessions at the Felix Project! (PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF TIME)
Tower HamletsCommunity mission
Session is in the past

The Felix Project

Unit 12 & 12A Thomas Road Industrial Estate


E14 7BN

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Saturday 20th April 2024

9:30am - 11:30am

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Getting there

For this session we're going to meet at the task, so you'll need to make your own way there. We encourage you to walk, run, or cycle to do so!

    About this session

    This session will now be taking place from 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

    The Felix Project collects surplus food from food retailers and wholesalers, and redistributes it to charities and schools that provide food for those in need. The operation has 4 depots in London and delivers around 4 tonnes of food each day with the help of 400 volunteers.

    The team are keen to have as many GoodGymers join their Saturday Tower Hamlets sessions as possible!

    What this involves

    • This task will be overseen by the Felix Project team, who are very familiar with volunteers.

    • Activity will include: checking ‘use by’ and ‘best before’ dates; categorising and recording food; assembling food orders placed by charity and community groups. You may also be based outside in the warehouse.

    (Read how Abie and other GoodGymers got on recently here).

    • We have listed these sessions in two-hour time slots as this is the minimum time commitment, but you are welcome to stay longer.

    • Feel free to take a few pics and scribble a few lines for a run report (we'd love to see how you got on, and we'll aim to include it in our weekly email :) )

    • I oversee this task, but will not be there on the day. Any issues or questions, don't hesitate to get in contact: - Laura

    • Regular GoodGymer Lobo also volunteers at the depot most Saturdays, so any problems, you can also ask for him while on-site.

    This task supports
    The Felix Project
    Fighting food waste

    The Felix Project is a London-based food redistribution charity set up in 2016 to tackle food waste and hunger.

    See more
    What to look out for

    Make sure you've read our general guidelines for safety for taking part in a GoodGym session.

    This is a GoodGym community mission. When we're doing a community mission we make our own way to the task, so you can choose to walk, run, or cycle. Thinking of cycling - check out our FAQs

    Laura Williams
    Led by Laura Williams

    Lucky enough to be the Area Activator for Tower Hamlets. Personal trainer. Seriously sweet tooth.


    The Felix Project

    Unit 12 & 12A Thomas Road Industrial Estate


    E14 7BN

    Get directions

    Comments and questions

    Comments are a good place to ask any questions you may have about the session.

    Please note that comments written here are publicly visible: avoid posting private information such as your mobile phone number.

    If you have a question you would like to ask privately, you can email the GoodGym Tower Hamlets area activator, Laura Williams, .