Running our socks off

10 Goodgymers helped their local community in Croydon
Nick Man
Jimmy Ly
Geeta shah
Sandra Francis
Anna Bond
Juliet Stevenson
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Tuesday 24th May 2016

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Tonight we ran over 5km to donate clothes to the Clothes Bank in Lloyd Park.

After our first GoodGym run in Croydon last week which was looooong I thought that the runners deserved a slightly shorter run – they seemed happy with that. However it did mean once the clothes had been dropped off there was a lot of time left over for fun and games with our drills and hills! We started with some technique drills which included kicking butts, high knees and some beautiful grapevining across the park followed by some highly competitive sprinting. I did say it was the taking part that counted but nobody seemed to listen! Just to make sure they were tired out and would sleep well tonight we did some hill sprints working on using the arms to help get them up the hill. Luckily the way back was pretty much all downhill or flattish so time to recover before we finished with some stretches.

Once we got back to Solutions we had a chat about the other work GoodGym does including Pairing and Missions and we were lucky to have Geeta from Age UK with us tonight and she was able to give us a bit more detail about other ways to get involved.

Congratulations in advance to Sandra who will be completing her 200th Parkrun at Lloyd Parkrun this Saturday – that’s an amazing achievement - well done! On the way there Nick managed to chat to a random runner who was struck by our t-shirts and gave her the details of how to find out more and sign up to GoodGym – good recruiting on the run there Nick!

So next week we’ll be off to Grangewood Park to help with some weeding before they begin to restore the gardens to their former glory Hoping to see as many of you as possible so don’t forget to sign-up and spread the word.

Happy running!

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Sorting clothes donations for refugees
🗓Tuesday 18th February 7:30pm

Helping refugees to find clothes easily in the correct size when needed

Mark GilyeadNicolaDenise Elaine BryanIngrid Buchanan
Brenda SMITH
6 GoodGymers are going