Tuesday 14th March 2023
Report written by Conroy
Last night 5 members ran 2.2km to West Croydon Baptist Church to assist Croydon Refugee Day Centre.
We were met by Simon, who had various tasks set aside for us to do. Although small in numbers we decided into two groups, one group went through the bags of new donations (Ingrid and Ros) while the other (Liz and Paul) went through the boxes of clothes that had already been sorted into age/sex to find clothes for the summer the summer collection.
The groups set off working on their allocated task working swiftly through bags/boxes chatting merrily as they worked. After clearing the new bags of donated clothes Ros/Ingrid chipped in with Paul and Liz to help sort some of the boxes. With time almost running out we has to pack away the clothes rails that was taken out of the room, for the visitors earlier in the day. This task was a bit like tetris as we had to fit over 15 portable rails with clothes into a tight space, somehow this week we managed to fit them all in with a lot of room to spare.
Before we departed, Simon did his rounds thanking us for what we had sone and rewarding us with KitKats, he always have a little treat for us on our visits to say thanks for our help.
Will you be joining us next week?
Helping refugees to find clothes easily in the correct size when needed