Tuesday 23rd July 2024
Report written by Nykolette
WOW, it was a shock to see just how much all the trees, herbs and vegetables has grown. The last time I was at this space was back in March when we had only just planted everything.
The bramble tree was giving off loads of apples that would make the best pies, there was also an abundance of blackberries not to mention the potatoes I brought home to show off to the neighbours.
Louise spent time mulching and avoiding the flying ants nests, Mark was busy watering everything while I tried to free the baby trees from all the weeds that were surrounding them. All in all it was a very productive mission.
I really enjoy coming to this space and It was lovely to see the chickens again they're always such a delight.
Positive actions and solutions for everyday life to make green living and working the norm. Greener & Cleaner are galvanising and equipping people and organisations with inspiration, resources and skills to work towards the social change required to combat the climate crisis. Let’s change together.
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