Get outta here; shoe

13 Goodgymers helped their local community in Westminster
Toni Thomas
Kenan Berker
Hannah Welch
Harrison Hodgkins
Laura Macara
Amy Schonegevel
Francesca Grillo
Flavia Keith
Immy Waters
Anna Leonidou

Monday 19th June 2023



Find out about GoodGym TaskForce

Report written by Ed Field (he/him)

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As part of the 100 Days of Action season, GoodGym is working with JogOn, an amazing organisation that works to save running shoes from landfill and redistribute them for a second life.

Staff from Octopus brought in their shoes for a workplace collection, after which Lambeth GoodGymer Shannon packed them all up and sent them off. Great job!

If you've got shoes to send yourself you can find out how to here. JogOn have deal with Evri meaning you can send up to 40 shoes for just £2.

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Distributing clothes, bedding and shoes to rough sleepers
🗓Today 7:00pm

Help make life more comfortable for those living through homelessness

Anastasia HancockSusan MartinLindsay Castro
4 GoodGymers are going