Saturday 22nd April 2023
Find out about GoodGym TaskForce
Report written by Kash
On April's conservation day at Grove Farm the GoodGym team showed that quality, not quantity matters! Despite being lower in numbers this month, GoodGymers Penny and Valeria did a fantastic job clearing the area and building hedges for wildlife. It was the first GoodGym session for Valeria - don't be shy and give her a cheer! 📣
Our team had an opportunity to marvel at the wildlife hidden in the Sudbury Hill's urban area. They were visited by a red breasted robin looking for worms, saw the woodland anemones, bluebells, violets and newly planted hazel trees.
A special thanks to Penny for the photos and keeping a record of how the task went.
Next month we are back for the next conservation day at Grove Farm to clear a path on the edge of the park to improve access for conservation work and visitors and an additional task earlier to help preparing a sports event to raise funds for supporting children with profound disabilities.
Conservation work in Grove Farm a nature reserve in North Greenford. We do a variety of tasks including clearing brambles to improve plant diversity, planting trees, creating ponds. Also litter picking when required.
See moreWed 10th May 2023 at 8:07pm
Loved the whole experience! It was great to meet Penny and the rest of the team clearing the path. Looking forward to more sessions!
Thu 11th May 2023 at 7:10am
We are looking forward to see you at Grove Farm again this Saturday!
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