Saturday 9th September 2023
Report written by Janet Beauchamp
Neil ran to the mission (while Janet drove) in 23 degrees heat. Mrs W talked us through what needed to go where to allow the decorator to come in next week. Neil got going dismantling the bed with an Allen key but then we realised we needed a screwdriver. Turns out Mrs W had a plentiful supply so Janet returned armed with screwdrivers galore! Meanwhile Neil had shifted a chest of drawers on his own. We took down a curtain pole, dismantled and moved a double bed and finally shifted a heavy wardrobe into the middle of the room. I reckon if we’d climbed in we would probably have emerged in Narnia, which might have been a good idea on such a hot day! On the way out, we met Mrs W’s very fluffy cat and left a very grateful Mrs W safe in the knowledge she can call on Goodgym again to reassemble the furniture after the decorating is done. Despite being potentially the hottest September day on record, Neil ran home, while Janet was grateful for air con in the car!
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