
(He/ him)

Improving fitness and doing good deeds along the way


Good Deeds

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Verified member
Run leader
Doing good since July 2023

Not done a mission this month

0 Month Streak

Done a group run this month

8 Month Streak

TaskForce achievements

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Reports written

January Challenge 2025 achieved
Walk Leader
January Challenge 2025
Haile Gebrselassie
Florence Kiplagat
Black T-Shirt
On a roll
Mo Farah
Finding your feet
Tirunesh Dibaba
Easy 10
High 5
Hat Doffer
Community Cape
GoodGym Runner


Block or report Dan

Dan's next session


Camino Ultra London- Lea Valley Gratitude 25km and 50km
๐Ÿ—“Saturday 29th March 9:00am

๐Ÿ“The Crown Pub EN10 6QT

Amazing grassroots endurance racing for all! Super friendly, awesome fun!

Simon FitzmauriceHarvey GallagherDanSteve LeeRob Hallett
5 GoodGymers are going
Latest activity
Dan (He/ him) said they'd do it and they weren't lying. They've hit their target for the January Challenge 2025 ๐Ÿฅณ

Wednesday 5th February

January Challenge 2025 achieved

January Challenge 2025 achieved

Dan (He/ him) said they'd do it and they weren't lying. They've hit their target for the January Challenge 2025

It was never in doubt. Dan committed to the January Challenge 2025, and they only went and did it.

Matt BurtonJack Da Silva

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Jack Da Silva

Wed 5th Feb at 11:12am


Dan (He/ him) went to a social

Sun 2nd Feb at 9:30am

Paddling with the Leaside Trust ๐Ÿ›ถ

Hackney Report written by Dan (He/ him)

A lovely sunny morning for a paddle along the River Lea, guided by Leaside Trust coach Beate, who got us kitted up with a life vest and paddle, and got us warmed up with some reactive catch the paddle games.

We boarded our canoes in twos and quickly learned how to navigate the waters of the River Lea. The weather was on our side as we explored the River and encountered wildlife as well as other vessels.

After this great social paddle we went to the Springfield Cafe for a well earned lunch.

Thanks to the Leaside Trust who treated Goodgym to this lovely canoe trip ๐Ÿ™Œ

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Dave MJack Da SilvaRob Hallettanne malcolmJo
Dan (He/ him) done 100 good deeds with GoodGym. ๐Ÿคฉ

Saturday 1st February



Dan (He/ him) done 100 good deeds with GoodGym.

Dan has just reached another level: 100 good deeds with GoodGym. That's at least 100 times when they could have easily done something easier. But they didn't, Dan has kept going and going. Helping a lot of other people and getting a bit fitter at the same time. Congratulations Dan.

Rob HallettJoHarvey GallagherMatt Burtonanne malcolm

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Jack Da Silva

Tue 4th Feb at 10:00am

amazing! well done Dan - brilliant achievement ๐Ÿ‘

Theresa Joseph
Theresa Joseph (she/her)

Tue 4th Feb at 10:05am

Whoop Whoop - Congratulations Dan

Dan (He/ him)

Tue 4th Feb at 10:13am

Thanks guys :)

Dan (He/ him) went on a community mission

Sat 1st Feb at 10:30am

Hedging our Best

Hackney Report written by anne malcolm

Goodgym Hackney were out in force to get a new month of good deeds off to a flying start. Particular shout out to Evie, Indi, Lucy, Dimitrios and Andy who were joining us for the first time. Great to meet so many enthusiastic, friendly volunteers.

We were back at Stoke Newington Common to help our friends at SNUG (Stoke Newington Common Users Group) plant new hedging. There was a wonderful selection of trees and roses to plant, including dogrose, elder, spindle, hawthorn and blackthorn, although without their leaves, it proved hard to differentiate between some of them.

With so many volunteers (SNUG were out in force too!), we were able to split into two groups, working at two locations on the Common - one by the bus stand to create a hedge between the common and the pavement, the other along the fence by the railway line to help mask the metal railings. The climbing roses were particularly well suited for this job.

Holes were soon being dug, plants selected, supported and protected with canes and tubing, and pressed firmly into place to help them bed in.

After a good hour and a half, we had run out of space and canes. So we gathered up tools and unplanted hedge plants, and made our way back to base camp where SNUG very kindly shared hot drinks and home made cake, which was very much appreciated by all.

SNUG have already been in touch to say a huge thank you to everyone who took part. They were thrilled to see so many GoodGymmers and are most grateful for all GoodGym's help.

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JoHarvey GallagherMatt BurtonDananne malcolm
Dan (He/ him) signed up to a community mission.

Sat 1st Feb at 10:30am

Theresa Joseph
Dan (He/ him) went on a community mission

Fri 31st Jan at 6:00pm

Theresa Josephanne malcolmDanHarvey Gallagher
Dan (He/ him) went on a community mission

Thu 30th Jan at 7:00pm

Plogging along

Hackney Report written by Sooz

*Plog not Plod! *

Picking Litter (PL) + j(OG)ging!

Dan ran to this week's task, clocking up some extra kms as we near the end of the January challenge.

He soon met Rob, Sooz and Louise at London Fields and duly handed out the bin bags ready for a good old fashioned Plog in the Park.

4 full bags - and around 4km - later, the GoodGymmers had cleared the parks and streets of Hackney. With a lot of laughs along the way, including Rob and Sooz admitting they hadn't actually heard of plogging before!

Another great social task, keeping everyone fit, and doing good whilst at it.

Bring it home for January with a final plog of your own - any time, anywhere!


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Theresa JosephMichael LuDave MDananne malcolmHarvey Gallagher
