0 Month Streak
0 Month Streak
5 Month Streak
Sun 6th Oct at 8:45am
Southwark Report written by Olive (she/her)
It might be getting a bit cold and dark in the morning, but still does not stop children coming to junior Parkrun. With the help of 2 Goodgymers (Clare was timekeeper, Olive was marshalling) the team saw 113 children completing 2km laps around Peckham Rye. Very rewarding start of a Sunday.
Sun 22nd Sep at 8:45am
Southwark Report written by Sam Lefevre (he/him)
After it was raining all night and into the early hours of Sunday morning, Maria and Sam brought along their umbrellas, but the rain had stopped by then. They met Clare at the volunteering briefing as we were all assigned a marshall role and spot along the course.
Since it was raining earlier, only around 40-50 kids showed up to run the 2k course, so the event went smoothly and was done on time.