Derby Parks

14 GoodGymers have supported Derby Parks with 16 tasks.

Top supporters

Upcoming sessions
Tidy up King George V Playground

Tuesday 13th August 2024 6:30pm - 8:00pm

Help to keep Markeaton Park free of litter

Tuesday 20th August 2024 6:15pm - 8:00pm

Help to clear Darley Park of litter

Tuesday 27th August 2024 6:15pm - 8:00pm

Previous sessions
DerbyGroup run
Rachel CarthyPete EmeryAshley

Putting 'cleanliness is next to godliness' into practice

Tuesday 25th June

Written by Rachel Carthy

Ashley, Pete and Rachel met with David and some members of the parish from St Matthew's Church for a litter picking session around Darley Abbey.

Pick of the night went to Pete early on, as he found what was potentially a character toy from Peppa Pig. This was found in the church grounds and placed in an obvious location in case the owner and their parents returned.

The team went on a new route that they hadn't tried before, thanks to David from the church for this. Lots of food packaging, drinks containers and cigarette butts were collected.

Grateful for the temperature dropping from what it had been during the day, the team chatted about the upcoming England Vs Slovenia Euros match and upcoming GoodGym sessions that people were booked on and looking forward to.

Thanks as always to everyone who came along and made a difference to our community.

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DerbyGroup run
Rachel CarthyChris DawsonDeborah Gould

You'll be green with envy at how much fun we had

Saturday 8th June

Written by Rachel Carthy

As part of The Great Big Green Week celebrations and calendar of events for Littleover, GoodGym Derby held a litter picking session in Sunnydale Park.

Ali, organiser of The Great Big Green Week in Littleover, met the group at the start of the session on their whirlwind tour of events taking place on Saturday to kick off the awareness week.

Chris and Deborah were brand new to GoodGym and it was a real bonus that the rain stopped and the sun was shining on the group for the session. Lots of food packaging, tissues, plastic bottles and vapes were collected using litter picking hoops and grabbers provided by Derby City Council's Parks Team. It was a great, slow paced session meandering through the park and woodland space which allowed the group to get to know a bit more about one another.

Thank you to volunteers who made it this morning, Sunnydale Park is now a bit more free from litter and enjoyable for visitors.

Our next session as part of The Great Big Green Week is on Tuesday 11th June. You can find out more and sign up here.

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DerbyGroup run
Rachel CarthyPete EmeryAshleyLewis Payne

Three men and a Little-over 30 lady

Tuesday 4th June

Written by Rachel Carthy

Meeting in Littleover ahead of events taking place for The Great Big Green Week, the group went on a litter picking session as a recce for a group run taking place next week.

Pete and Ashley led the way on a 2 mile litter pick through parkland and residential roads.

Although the group missed regular volunteer Mandy, it did give Ashley a higher chance of being litter picking champion of the night and he definitely won for 'best dressed according to the weather' with multiple layers suitable for a British summer.

Battling through the rain and chasing the sunshine breaking through clouds, the group collected a couple of bags worth of litter, mostly food, sweet and drinks packaging from around the park and outside of a school.

Well done for Pete for actively travelling to and from the session, Ashley for carrying out a recce ahead of leading a group run next week and Lewis for coming along despite being busy with wedding and moving plans and having some issues with his knee this week.

You can sign up to next week's group run where all abilities are welcome, whether you want to run or walk.

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DerbyGroup run
Rachel CarthyPete EmeryMandy MarriottAshleyEwan McCree

Showing newcomers that they'll pick it up as they go along...

Tuesday 21st May

Written by Rachel Carthy

The group welcomed Ewan for their first volunteering session with GoodGym Derby along with David from St Matthew's Church and Iris and Ian from the local community. It was great to have such a large number litter picking and helping to keep Darley Park looking its best for visitors.

Ashley found time out from his head to head competition with Mandy to see who could collect the most litter to take some fantastic photos and Pete was pleased to find common ground with a fellow Mancunian in the group, until the revelation that they were in fact a Liverpool FC fan.

The rain that had been forecast held off for the group and it was great to see so many people enjoying the park, from cricket being played to rowers on the river, dog walkers, runners and pub goers enjoying a warm evening riverside. Sadly, nobody could watch a film on the dvd player that had been collected during the session as it was so damaged from river water and there was no accompanying screen to use with it, still a contender for 'pick of the night'.

Rubbish that had been collected was left by some bins and it had been agreed prior to the session that the City Council would collect these the following day. Thanks to David for organising this.

Thank you to everyone who came, hopefully some of the volunteers can make the social event ahead of Volunteers Week.

Grant also joined the group and will be added to the register by the central team so he can have a deed logged.

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DerbyGroup run
Rachel CarthyAshley

Standing shoulder to shoulder

Tuesday 26th March

Written by Rachel Carthy

Ashley and Rachel met with Jon from Shoulder to Shoulder volunteering group to discuss collaborating to help out in the community.

Following the meeting, GoodGym volunteers went about litter picking in the city centre.

Due to the poor weather conditions, no photos were taken from the litter picking loop of the city centre but one bag of rubbish was collected.

Great that a new connection was made and the team are looking forward to spreading the word about Shoulder to Shoulder.

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DerbyCommunity mission
Rachel CarthyMandy MarriottSarah BramleyAshley

No time for swanning around...

Saturday 17th February

Written by Rachel Carthy

Ashley, Mandy and Rachel made their way to Wilmorton Recreation Ground and Alvaston Park to tidy up some litter and keep these amazing green spaces looking their best for visitors and for wildlife.

Three full bags of litter were collected and lots of friendly locals thanked the group for their efforts. The rain held off which was much appreciated although it would have helped clean up a golf ball that was found and collected to be passed on to a keen golfer.

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