Bailie Hill litter pick

as above
Remove and dispose of at least a year's accumulated litter principally on the top but also around the bushes and trees of Bailie Hill - a really popular walking and sitting spot close to the City Wall

5 GoodGymers have supported Bailie Hill litter pick with 1 task.

Top supporters

Previous sessions
YorkCommunity mission
Laura Barrett
Vicky HearsonDom Tooze

I'm Baille-ing out on a Pun- They were all Rubbish!

Tuesday 3rd August 2021

Written by Laura Barrett

Jonathon, who regularly walks his dog on Baille Hill was concerned by the amount of litter there so knew exactly who to ask to sort it. Whilst someone had got there before us to clear some of it there was much more left than was initially obvious. Dom brought two bags for recyclables as he lived close by. Within 45 minutes we managed to fill 2 bags full if rubbish including several pairs of underwear and two bags of recyclables. Jonathan's dog came to help out. We had cleared everything we could get to safely and all that was left was to find a council litter bin to leave them at for collection.

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