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5 GoodGymers made their way 2km to help the Croydon Refugee Day Centre in Croydon.

  • Conroy
  • Liz
  • Ingrid Buchanan
  • Croydon runner
  • Emma
Tuesday, 21st of November 2023
Led by Conroy

On Tuesday, we visited Croydon Refugee Day Centre to help them sort donations and label clothes.

Our inherited member, Emma currently immersing herself in all things Croydon, popped by on her way to Bell Ringing, as she has not been able to join us due to events clashing. She had gone around and removed all the empty clothes hangers from the clothing rails that had been emptied by the visitors earlier in the day. Sadly we had to say goodbye to Emma but it was very good seeing her and hearing about how she was getting on at bell ringing school.

We welcomed back Zoe who had not been out with us for a while, it was good to have her back at another event, we told her about the treats and our break time with Simon, but sadly he wasn't because he wasn't feeling well so there was no treats. Instead we had Ivanka whom we had not seen for a long time so although there was no treats we were blessed with Ivanka's company.

Ivanka, wanted us to go through the clothes rails check that the clothes had labels and where they had missing labels, we were supposed to label them and place them in the correct spots based on sizes.

We got stuck in chattering away as we checked and label clothes with missing labels, before long it was time for us to move the clothes back into the store room and said our good byes.

Report written by Conroy

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Led by Conroy

Just a regular guy, who likes running, doing my bit for the community.

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Gardening with Pam

Tuesday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Conroy
By the seats in the park area

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