
Community mission

A fine day for Freightliner's Farm!

6 GoodGymers made their way to help the Freightliners City Farm in Islington.

  • Simon Fitzmaurice
  • Islington runner
  • Islington runner
  • Islington runner
  • Lucy Thomas
  • Dan Dunn
Sunday, 3rd of December 2023
Led by Simon Fitzmaurice

6 Goodgymmers from the Islington borough made a weekend trip to Freightliner's Farm, a wonderful community institution over near Paradise Park. We met with wonderful volunteer coordinator Liz near the main office, before putting on wellies and sturdy gloves for some mucky jobs on a wet day.

The first task was to move 35 bags of manure from one side of the farm over to the Freightliner's Farm transit van, ready to be dropped off at different gardening projects across Islington. Between us, we used wheelbarrows and some umph to get these loaded up in good and ample time. Task number 2 involved us raking up tonnes of fallen leaves across fields and pathways, to keep the foliage from rotting down and making these surfaces really slippery for visitors. We could also collect up the greenery for composting and mulching in the new year!

Throughout the afternoon, we were watched by goats, cows, chickens and barn cats (Bagheera was a particular character!). A lovely day out helping the local animal residents!

Report written by Simon Fitzmaurice

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GROUP RUN- Return Trip to Timbuktu Adventure Playground

Monday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Simon Fitzmaurice
The Arsenal Community Hub

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