
Community mission

Winning, not Binning

2 GoodGymers made their way to help the The Derbyshire Cricket Foundation in Derby.

  • Derby runner
  • Gwyn Williams
Saturday, 2nd of December 2023
Led by Derby runner

Gwyn and Tracey popped along to the Kit out Derbyshire pop-up shop to help Derbyshire Cricket Foundation to distribute used and donated cricket kit to the community. This new initiative is an ideal way to breathe new life into old kit, save it from landfill, and to help people who would otherwise struggle to afford equipment.

We carried boxes of kit from a storeroom across to the classroom where the shop was held, and then took it in turns (along with Mark and Lauren from the Foundation) to stand in the car park and direct people to the shop's location. We kept warm with tea, and were treated to a generous portion of Mark's home-baked banana bread.

Some of our first customers were from a local cricket club who had lost a lot of items in the recent floods, and they were delighted to find some bits and pieces that would come in handy for their team. They plan to come back next month after checking the sizes of their juniors, and will also bring some of their spare equipment to be rehomed.

After closing time, we repacked everything into boxes, ready to be put away for the next time.

This is the first of a series of regular events that will take place on the first Saturday of the month. Why not pop along and join us at a future session?

Report written by Derby runner

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Led by Tracey

GoodGym Derby TaskForce member

GoodGymers helping out
  • Document Checker

    Check the documents of GoodGymers applying for a DBS

    • Gwyn Williams
  • Photographer

    Take photos for the session report

    • Gwyn Williams

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GoodGym Derby foodbank session

Tuesday 19:00 - 20:30
Led by Rachel Carthy
Leonardo Hotel

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