

We've been framed!

2 GoodGymers made their way to help an isolated older person in Ealing.

  • Sevan
  • Kash
Saturday, 4th of June 2022

Sevan and Kash met for the second Saturday in a row and joined forces to take yet another garden to the next level! Sevan hit his weekly target by running to the task while Kash decided she had enough jogging the day before and opted for a walk.

Miss H's back garden with its peculiar collection of chairs around the tea table and Miss H's guests/builders/neighbours had a bit of an "Alice in Wonderland" vibe. Other attractions included nosediving pigeons, mercilessly creaking panels, and a metal frame that used to be a garden tent.

While the exact scope of the mission remained a bit unclear, we knew that the first task was to tackle the metal frame and make it stand on its base. The choice of activities that followed had some element of improvisation but the general goal was to create a pleasant and safe sanctuary for Miss H who wanted to escape from the chaos of her house undergoing a major refurbishment.

Miss H had us move pots, sticks, bird houses and other objects from the centre to the back of the garden, scrub and rinse the table and chairs, clean the 70-year-old stone mortar (Miss H's pride), water the plants and pull some weeds. To our relief, there was not much actual gardening in which we don't consider ourselves experts. With that being said, at one point, Miss H had an idea about us digging up an old grape bush from her neighbour's garden and planting it in her backyard. We weren't sure whether we are qualified for the job and whether the poor old plant is qualified for relocation. Fortunately, before anyone managed to find a shovel, that project seemed to be already forgotten, and Miss H pointed us to another assignment.

We had an on-and-off conversation with one of Miss H's guests/builders/neighbours with whom we shared the water hose. Seeing Kash's hair, he recalled a popular 1970s Swedish TV series about Pippi Langstrumpf, which was spot-on as the character was actually Kash's childhood hero.

We finished off the job by removing nettles encircling the lavender shrub. We took great care not to get stung in the process only to be stung later - through the waste bag when carrying the nettles to the bin. Although a lot remains to be done in her garden, Miss H was very grateful for today's result and couldn't wait for her table to dry out to cover it and sit on the clean garden chair.

What makes this mission unique is that it was the 77th good deed for both Sevan and Kash. That gives 4 sevens in total - or even 5 if you count in Sevan's name (sorry, I couldn't resist that joke!).

Report written by Kash

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Saturday June 4th, 2022 20:15

Nice write up. I didn't realise we were on the same number of good deeds!

Saturday June 4th, 2022 23:20

Haha, that 70-year-old mortar of Miss H got me looking for more of number seven and then I spotted that fact!

Olushola Fasugbe
Olushola Fasugbe
Monday June 13th, 2022 12:13

Thank you for the hard work. Ms HR is pleased with the work you guys has done and stated that you guys are fun to be with and did the job with great zeal and excitement.

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Tuesday 18:45 - 20:15
Led by Kash
Bodyline Studio

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