
Community mission

Wanstead Corner House Project

4 GoodGymers made their way 4.8km to help the WANSTEAD COMMUNITY GARDENERS in Redbridge.

  • Peter Van Tongeren
  • Sharon Graham
  • Pauline Joan
  • Valerie Anderson
Sunday, 7th of November 2021
Led by Redbridge runner

What a wonderful morning spent helping at the Corner House project. It was great to see the gang from GoodGym there, helping to clear the huge wall of Ivy. We were all given tasks to do, to help the amazing team of women, who have dedicated their own time to help to create a beautiful garden. Looking forward to going back to help next month.

  • Val

It was a nice sunny morning indeed, ideal for a little session at the Cornerhouse and almost perfect for Pauline's first GG session! (give her a cheer)

The main target was the amount of ivy growing over the top of the wall, with Jan (one of Marians team) going up the ladder while Sharon tackled it from the ground. Pauline & Valerie got stuck in digging over & emptying (leave) composting bins. Blink and over an hour is gone, several compost heaps moved and a mountain of ivy packed into green waste bags and additional huge bag.

Report written by Valerie Anderson

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Redbridge runner
Redbridge runner
Monday November 8th, 2021 08:51

Great report! Well done everyone 👍

Pauline Joan
Pauline Joan
Monday November 8th, 2021 10:30

Thank you everyone for a short and sweet first mission. 😀

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Bi-weekly group session - meet at Wanstead House at 6.30pm!

Monday, 5th of August 2024 18:30 - 20:00
Led by Peter Van Tongeren
Wanstead House Community Association

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