
Community mission

Vine and dandy

2 GoodGymers made their way to help the Grow for life in Bath.

  • Jer Boon
  • Jane Flynn
Saturday, 12th of August 2023
Led by Jane Flynn

A couple of us trekked over to the Walled Garden for our monthly help-out.

We tended to a few of the new beds, some of which we'd helped build last month. Things have already been growing like crazy. I knew there was a point to all that rain we’ve been having lately!

Having said that, we done a bunch of watering as well, including the epic tomatoes growing in the polytunnel.

And to finish, the old classic: turning compost.

We took away a nice haul of chard, tomatoes and beets for our help. An unexpected but welcome reward for a great morning's work.

Report written by Jer Boon

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Sunday 10:15 - 11:30
Led by Meyrick Williams

Bath Sports and Leisure Centre

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