
Community mission

Twice the work in half the time !!

6 GoodGymers made their way to help the Redbridge Mutual Aid FoodBank in Redbridge.

  • Linda Sharman
  • James C
  • Sharon Graham
  • Mike Clare
  • Herman Yip
  • Tina Wong
Friday, 29th of March 2024
Led by Linda Sharman

Linda was already at the food bank when James and I arrived shortly before 9am ready for a full session. The shelves had been stocked previously by Linda and other volunteers in the days leading up to the Good Friday session. There were three other good gymers including Sharon and Herman with Tina which made the 70 or so orders easier to pick as well as some young folk on the Duke of Edinburgh award all working together. There was a good number of Easter eggs donated that were added to every order that had children in the family. Very soon the shelves were severely depleted after filling all the orders and it was time to restock with supplies that we had in the back store. We were finished in record time having done two days work ( normally ) in a much shorter time than we expected and all thanks to Linda and her excellent organisation skills, well done Linda !!

Report written by Mike Clare

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James C
James C
Saturday March 30th, 2024 15:53

Eggcellent report, it was choctastic to see all the GGs there, well done on the report m-easter Clare

Linda Sharman
Linda Sharman
Saturday March 30th, 2024 16:03

Great job everyone, got finished in double quick time which helped them get both days worth of deliveries delivered in one day. Thanks for lovely report Mike.

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Monday, 5th of August 2024 18:30 - 20:00
Led by Peter Van Tongeren
Wanstead House Community Association

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