
Group run

Turned Over a New Leaf…let

4 GoodGymers made their way 5.0km to help their local community in Crewe.

  • Nicola Marshall
  • Karen Whitehead
  • Maurice Fitzgerald
  • Nigel Whitehead
Wednesday, 27th of March 2024
Led by Nicola Marshall

Well, tonight we were set to do a leafleting task. We were looking forward to it as it was an opportunity to promote our wonderful junior parkrun, which is something that lots of our members are involved with and extremely passionate about. We like leafleting tasks because they feel productive as well as being a great way to get exercise.

However, the weather wasn’t playing ball with us today. At about 4pm, the heavens opened and the dark skies, downpour of rain and the wind was like something out of a Hollywood film! (Okay, so maybe I’m exaggerating a little!!). Nonetheless, I checked the forecast and was hopeful that by around 6 o’clock, the rain would have dried up and we would be okay. 6.15 came and so did the rain. We all had to take shelter (in Karen‘s car) until the rain had passed – which luckily it did!

So, when it had passed, we got out of the car and prayed for the rest of the night to be dry, which luckily it was. Karen, Nigel, Maurice and Nicola covered a whopping 5K tonight, popping leaflets through letterboxes of houses within a close vicinity of the park. As always, there’s good conversation and laughter as we go about our tasks. We had to dodge a few dogs, a few puddles and a few dodgy paving slabs, but we were pleased with the result – we got a lot of leaflets delivered! Hopefully, junior parkrun will see the benefits of that on Sunday and have lots of first timers.

Well done everyone, a fantastic night doing something good and getting some fresh air and exercise. It’s definitely a win-win.

Love being with you all. Have a great week and see you all soon.

Lots of love Nicola XxX

Report written by Nicola Marshall

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Supporting The RSPCA - Date TBC

Wednesday, 7th of August 2024 18:00 - 20:00
Led by Nicola Marshall

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