
Community mission

Trimming and future plants

4 GoodGymers made their way to help the Energy Garden UK in Redbridge.

  • Jenny McCurry
  • James C
  • Sharon Graham
  • Valerie Anderson
Saturday, 19th of March 2022
Led by Linda Sharman

Val and James got there by bike, and managed to go along the same route, a nice ride along. Jenny who lives close by came a bit later and Sharon came a little after that.

We met with the Energy Garden people, and made sure we were aware if any future developments with being added to their whatsapp group.

We finally got to work, the jobs were watering, trimming, and seed planting. We all got some work to do, and it turns out it was quite a quick job, done in 35 minutes.

Sharon and Jenny took the seed plants home with them, hopefully future plants that can grow and thrive.

Report written by James C

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Linda Sharman
Led by Linda Sharman

GoodGym Redbridge TaskForce member

GoodGymers helping out
  • Report Writer

    Be in charge of writing the session report

    • Jenny McCurry

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Monday, 5th of August 2024 18:30 - 20:00
Led by Peter Van Tongeren
Wanstead House Community Association

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