The Number of the Beast

1 GoodGymer made their way to help an isolated older person in Hammersmith and Fulham.

  • Kash
Friday, 21st of October 2022

My quick journey to Harlesden was a test drive for my new running shoes. I was lucky to arrive at my destination completely dry, between the series of storms. A scruffy-looking cat on Mr B's windowsill was basking in the afternoon sun. I rang the doorbell and my beneficiary appeared at the entrance. Mr B invited me in and apologised about things not being in perfect order. He explained that four damaged spinal disks prevent him from easily doing tasks like tidying up.

After two unsuccessful attempts to guess my nationality, Mr B provided me with the cash and the shopping list, the latter being environmentally friendly as no paper was used. I noted down Mr B's mental list on my phone:

  • 6 eggs

  • 6 sausages

  • 6 rolls

  • bacon

  • soap powder

I headed towards the High Street with no expectations and came across a perfect place for Me B's groceries: Iceland. I quickly fulfilled the diabolical order by finding six packs of sausages, eggs and rolls. The bacon came in packs of twelve. I found a huge pack (100 washes) of laundry powder at a good price and decided that Mr B would be happy with such a supply.

When I reached Mr B's home for the second time, the cat was gone. Maybe she had sensed the incoming storm. Mr B thanked me for the delivery and said "maybe I will see you again!". Maybe, who knows!

Report written by Kash

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