
Community mission

The lonely litter picker

1 GoodGymer made their way to help their local community in Cardiff.

  • Benjamin Annear
Wednesday, 31st of January 2018

Tonight I asked runner Lucy to come with me for a romantic litter pick... however I was rejected, she chose the group run instead. I still went for a litter pick, on my own... Running 2 miles and collecting 1 full bag of litter. It is fair to say that this is an display of epic resilience!

Report written by Benjamin Annear

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Stephen Corry
Stephen Corry
Thursday February 1st, 2018 09:23

Amazing work man, Looks a cold night out for a romantic litter pic :L

Benjamin Annear
Benjamin Annear
Thursday February 1st, 2018 09:55

Thanks man! Thought hearts would warm the cold of the night...

Benjamin Annear
Benjamin Annear
Thursday February 1st, 2018 09:56

Alas not.

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Tuesday 18:15 - 20:00
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