
Community mission

The Four Leafleteers

4 GoodGymers made their way to help the Richmond CVS in Richmond.

  • Sam
  • JP
  • Richmond runner
  • Richmond runner
Sunday, 21st of January 2024
Led by Liz

It was much warmer this morning than the last few days, which we appreciated as we met at Richmond station to deliver leaflets for Richmond CVS.

Four GG members were on hand to add to the mission and kilometre tally for the January challenge, and we took on the roads to the south of the town centre.

There were quite a lot of leaflets but we got through them all (with a pit stop for a cuppa) and felt satisfied to have done our bit of good for the day!

Report written by JP

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Led by Liz

Movement, giving back, socialising, organising and spreading positivity. These things make me feel good and GoodGym has them all!

GoodGymers helping out
  • Photographer

    Take photos for the session report

    • Beth

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Helping to lay a path at the Sea Scouts HQ

Monday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Lucy Hill
Tap Tavern

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