

The best fengshui sofa...

2 GoodGymers made their way to help an isolated older person in Brighton.

  • Michael Pirrie
  • Amro
Sunday, 9th of December 2018

Myself and Amro tackled another Sunday mission, this time helping Mrs. I with some furniture moving. A shorter run for both of this time we arrived with plenty of energy to tackle the task.

Mrs. I needed a large sofa shifting one room to another ready for when her nephew visits for Christmas. Although a very quaint cottage the narrow doorways made it a much more tricky task! After manoeuvring it into position and with a bit of careful thought we found the right knack and got the sofa through the doorway and into its new position. We then moved a thankfully smaller chair through to another room so everything would be setup for Christmas.

Mrs. was really grateful for the help as what seem like simple tasks to us are much more tricky for her. We stopped to have a quick chat with Mrs. I about planning and architecture in Brighton before we both headed our separate ways for a nice run in the cold sunshine.

Report written by Michael Pirrie

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Monday December 10th, 2018 15:36

Nice work, looks like an easy and impactful mission to end the week on! Well done :)

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