
Group run

Super Saturday!

11 GoodGymers made their way 2.0km to help the Ouseburn Trust in Newcastle.

  • Charlotte Proud
  • Tanya Johnson
  • Debbie English
  • Newcastle runner
  • Anastasia
  • Newcastle runner
  • Dan Laws
  • Rae Hale
  • Florence Orchard
  • Jamin Walters
  • Beth Paxton
Saturday, 7th of January 2023
Led by Charlotte Proud

Despite the awful weather beforehand, it turned out to be a brilliant Saturday Morning for GoodGym Newcastle as we helped the Ouseburn Trust.

I stepped in to help Anji (resting up with a poorly/painful knee, get well soon!) as we met together for the first time in 2023 at the entrance of Stepney Bank Stables. We did a brief informal introduction to GoodGym and got to know each other with names etc.

11 GoodGymers in total (kudos and a huge congratulations to Jay, Anna, Beth and Florence for their first ever GoodGym good deed) which is an amazing start to the New Year. It was great to welcome Dan back from University (also a regular at GoodGym Bath)

We then took a short walk to meet Dave, the legendary task owner for the Ouseburn Trust, and Martin, another regular/keen volunteer. Dave gave a brief talk about the Ouseburn Trust and the tasks that the volunteers get involved with.

Our task today was litter picking, we soon set off on our way with litter pickers, gloves, and bin bags, together as a group, chatting and getting to know each other whilst picking up rubbish.

As you can see in the photos we collected a lot of litter! Shout out to Louise for finding a toilet (?!) in the hedge and Tanya/Debs found something random made out of metal (no idea, maybe something mechanical?)

Thankfully the weather improved and the sun appeared as we finished. Come along and join us on Monday (Louise is super keen to deliver a fitness session as part of her run leader training for GG) All abilities definitely welcome!

Report written by Charlotte Proud

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Charlotte Proud
Led by Charlotte Proud

Love helping others, student nurse, brittle bone disease, London 2012 Olympic torchbearer

GoodGymers helping out
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Newcastle runner

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Plogging and leafleting in Byker

Monday 18:15 - 19:45
Led by Anji Andrews

Stepney Bank Stables

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