
Community mission

Sunday Sunshine...

6 GoodGymers made their way to help the Marie Curie Newcastle in Newcastle.

  • Liz Bennett
  • Tanya Johnson
  • Michael Wisely
  • Newcastle runner
  • Seb Gethin
  • Zoe Kolarova
Sunday, 3rd of March 2024
Led by Liz Bennett

... not a reference to the weather, (though, as the photo shows, the sun was trying very hard to come out over Byker Bridge!), but more of a reference to the little bit of sunshine spread by 6 Good Gymers in Morrisons today. Those daffodil hats are always a winner :)

Collecting on behalf of the fantastic charity "Marie Curie", we smiled, chatted, and listened to heart warming stories & expressions of thanks from people. Sad, yet very uplifting and fun and all in such a good cause.

Report written by Liz Bennett

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Plogging and leafleting in Byker

Monday 18:15 - 19:45
Led by Anji Andrews

Stepney Bank Stables

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