

Souper Soaper

1 GoodGymer made their way to help an isolated older person in Wandsworth.

  • Lucy Hill
Saturday, 15th of January 2022

As usual, on Friday afternoon, Mrs J’s daughter V had text me this weeks shopping list. Today, we had:

1) small potatoes x1pack

2)prawn cocktail x1pot

3) custard tarts x1pack of 2

4) chocolate &or mixed fruit mousse x1pack

5) cathedral cheddar cheese x1small pack

6) mr Kipling French Fancies x1pack

7) Walburtons medium sliced white bread x1 small or half loaf

8) tinned small potatoes x2 small tins

9) Heinz big soup (beef & or lamb) x2

10) spam x 2 tins

11) Galaxy smooth milk chocolate x20 bars

12) dove or Palmolive soap x2 bars

13) washing up liquid x1small.

Lots of the usuals, although two hairy moments when someone had moved the prawn cocktails pots to where the mixed seafood selection was, and when I thought there may only be three packs of galaxy left. Luckily there was another box behind the ripples next door. Phew.

We also had a trip down the washing aisle as I decided between lemon or mixed berries plate soap, and by the toiletries, for human soap.

Mrs J was in good form (once she answered the door!), and she didn’t seem keen on unpacking this weeks shop in the hallway today, so went off to find some chocolate from the fridge. Meanwhile, her district nurse turned up and eyed me suspiciously. ‘Who are you?’ She asked, and I explained I was her dealer. I joke, I told her I was the volunteer who got her shopping in, and like that Mrs J opened the door waving two little bars of galaxy about. The look on the nurses face might as well have been that I was her dealer, and she gave me the ‘oh so you’re the one who supplies her with the chocolate that she threatens upon me each week’ look. I smiled and waved Mrs J off, leaving her to force the nurse into taking the other half of the packet I had gotten!

Report written by Lucy Hill

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Monday January 17th, 2022 09:32

Great work on this mission!

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