
Group run

Shieldfield of dreams

8 GoodGymers made their way 3.0km to help the Shieldfield Art Works in Newcastle.

  • Richard Borrowdale
  • Anji Andrews
  • Newcastle runner
  • Anastasia
  • Thomas Mather
  • Jamin Walters
  • Beth Paxton
  • Caroline Bocchini
Monday, 6th of February 2023
Led by Anji Andrews

This was a task with a lot of build up as it took two people to collect and prepare the leaflets for tonight’s session! Many thanks Liz and Louise for the prep that got this session going.

Meeting at Stepney Bank stables our base, we moved into a new room, met new GoodGymer Carrie and got cracking ready for a massive leaflet drop. Louise took us through a brilliant activation warm up that got heart rates up, cheeks flushed and smiles on faces.


With a slight detour, Richard led the runners to me, ready and waiting at Shieldfield Art Works armed with “Who’s in Shieldfield” booklets to drop to the residents of Shieldfield, showing them what’s on offer in this vibrant area of town. Two groups, 210 leaflets, seven pairs of very cold hands and a timer set for 25 minutes. No pressure!

The time flew and the groups reappeared bang on time and ready to run back down the hill to Stepney Bank Stables. Mission accomplished!

A single file running fitness session with Louise was waiting, and the energy remained high as everyone got involved. A brilliant session, a big help to a community project and rosy cheeks all round.

Hope to see you next Monday as we help out at the fantastic Recyke Y Bike. You can run, walk or cycle and a warm welcome is guaranteed.

Report written by Anji Andrews

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Anji Andrews
Led by Anji Andrews

Area Activator at GoodGym Newcastle. Coach, runner, wife. I wrote a book once and I talk about that quite a lot.

GoodGymers helping out
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Newcastle runner

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Plogging and leafleting in Byker

Monday 18:15 - 19:45
Led by Anji Andrews

Stepney Bank Stables

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