
Community mission

Rolling in the woodchips

4 GoodGymers made their way to help the Sandown Allotment Association in Newcastle.

  • Aimee
  • Damu
  • Newcastle runner
  • Anna Cuninghame
Saturday, 24th of February 2024
Led by Aimee

Four goodgymers helped Sandown Allotment Trust on a frosty February morning. Lucy and Adam came straight from Gateshead parkrun in nearby Saltwell Park, I did Denton Dene parkrun and Anna has cycled all the way from Wallsend!

The task was to dig up the soil on one side of the car park, level it to the same level as the surrounding ground, cover the newly level ground in a weed membrane and then rake woodchips from a huge pile on to it. The before and after are deceiving similar but it was surprisingly hard work to dig out the soil, shift it through a metal grate on top of the wheel borrow to separate the weeds and rocks from the good soil and then put the good soil in bags to be used in the good planters which will be a erected in this area.

We had interesting chats with the regular volunteers about how this carpark used to be a roller rink, the TV show Time Team and roman forts in the local area. We were joking every piece of rubbish we found was a roman artifact, Lucy did find a horseshoe - which may or may not be roman.

Adam had to dash off but me, Lucy and Anna stayed for a cup of tea and a tour of the community allotment by one of the regular volunteers. People are referred by their doctors under green social prescribing to help at the community allotment to get them involved in a nature benefit their health. Similar benefits to GoodGym!

Report written by Aimee

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Plogging and leafleting in Byker

Monday 18:15 - 19:45
Led by Anji Andrews

Stepney Bank Stables

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