
Group run

Rogue Gardeners!

14 GoodGymers made their way 7.0km to help the Stanhope Hall Community and Well Being Centre in Birmingham.

  • Annie Smith
  • Aidan Wheeler
  • Jonny Carter
  • Katie
  • Paige Bradley
  • Chan S Nandhray
  • Abbie Wilson-Neal
  • Lee Swinerd
  • Andrew Tromans
  • Karin
  • Neal Overton
  • Dionne Donnelly
  • David Halford
  • Simon Christopher
Tuesday, 29th of August 2017
Led by Jonny Carter

14 people ran 7k to help weed and tidy Stanhope Community garden

Tonight, we welcomed Paige to the fold. It is great to have you on board, please give her a cheer! After the introductions, we were on our way to do our green fingered bit for the community. Just before we arrived we did our usual hill sprint up to our destination, the group receiving a warm round of applause from a few local residents!

GG Break in?!

Well for the first time ever since GG Brum has been going nobody was at the task to let us in! What’s more the garden looked like it was locked up like Fort Knox with all the padlocks! However much to our surprise David found that none of the padlocks were being used as padlocks! Therefore, in we went and although we didn’t have access to all the tools we did a good 20-minute session of weeding! Hopefully when the improvement in the garden is seen tomorrow they will realise who their ‘mystery helpers’ were!

Time for the interval

Once done we headed back (not before the obligatory group selfie from Chan of course!) in-corporating a few intervals on the way. After a few weeks off Neal was surging forward at the front, with Simon and Andrew pushing on behind. Paige showed great effort working hard with Chan on her first session. Once nearly back we did an extra-long interval, up the hill by the post office, then run hard up the steps in front of the town hall and continue pushing the pace for another 200metres after that. The whole group worked well Simon, pushed hard, Abbie and Dionne, put in a great shift on tired legs and Neal showed his power once again at the front. Once that bit was done, the group ran the last 1k back to our base at a good pace. This time David led the way, Katie also put in a magnificent effort and it was great to see Dionne and Karin finishing strongly. So that was us done for another week! Next week we will be out doing good again, and this time I promise we won’t have to ‘break in’ to complete the task 😉 so it would be great if you could join us sign up here.

Report written by Jonny Carter

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Leafleting for Change Kitchen

Tuesday 18:00 - 19:45
Led by Miriam
171 Pineapple Road

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