Windsor and Maidenhead

Community mission

Rich pickings

19 GoodGymers made their way to help their local community in Windsor and Maidenhead.

  • Diya Singh
  • Amy L
  • Jess Smith
  • Anna Snelling
  • Jen Francis
  • Gurch Singh
  • Windsor and Maidenhead runner
  • Windsor and Maidenhead runner
  • Tessa
  • Windsor and Maidenhead runner
  • Windsor and Maidenhead runner
  • Windsor and Maidenhead runner
  • Lisa W
  • Windsor and Maidenhead runner
  • Windsor and Maidenhead runner
  • Steve Francis
  • Jack Douglas
  • Windsor and Maidenhead runner
  • Windsor and Maidenhead runner
Friday, 5th of January 2024
Led by Amy L

Great turnout for our first 2024 Friday lunchtime litter pick! I was joined at Grenfell Park by Rachel, Juli, Sheila, Gurch, Jack, Jen, Anna, Steve, Jess, Tessa, Scarlett and Matthew. Great to see Gurch joining us for the first time. Meanwhile, Gillian, Georgeta, Celine, Sol and Diya tackled rubbish closer to their homes/work-places.

In and around Grenfell Park we found far more rubbish than we had expected. It was mostly bottles and cans, but we also found trousers, underwear, a drill, a bowl and spoon, a bicycle wheel, a shopping trolley, lots of old bank cards, a pound coin and even a twenty pound note!

We also had a lovely sociable time as we worked, catching up after the holidays, congratulating Sheila on her 500 (and two!?) good deeds, and planning the GoodGym water station at the Easter Ten race (put the 29th of March in your diary now).

Kudos to Jack, who wheeled the shopping trolley all the way back to the Maidenhead Community Centre and then onwards to Sainsbury's.

Georgeta, Gillian, Diya and Sol also found rich pickings in their neighbourhoods. Georgeta's most note-able finds were artificial flowers and a large broken plastic box, which she did well to carry to her bin. Gillian filled multiple bags and found a belt and pair of pants - possibly related? Diya was saddened by how much litter she found just a short distance from home - she was so sad that she didn't even take a selfie! Sol found a direct relationship between litter levels and closeness to the convenience store.

Well done team! Sad that there is so much litter out there, but we have made a big difference today.

Report written by Amy L

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Jack Da Silva
Jack Da Silva
Wednesday January 10th, 2024 16:10

Well done all!

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Amy L
Led by Amy L

Area Activator for Windsor and Maidenhead. Loves running & Pilates and runs to escape from her hoards of small children.

GoodGymers helping out
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    • Steve Francis
    • Windsor and Maidenhead runner
    • Windsor and Maidenhead runner
    • Windsor and Maidenhead runner
    • Windsor and Maidenhead runner

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