Rice and quick! 🍚

1 GoodGymer made their way to help an isolated older person in Hammersmith and Fulham.

  • Bethan Critchley
Tuesday, 14th of March 2023

Within just one hour, it is amazing what a difference you can make. Without the support of GoodGym, I imagine it would be very difficult for Mr S to collect his food parcel as he is visually impaired, and therefore finds it challenging to complete such tasks.

I set off on my bike with an empty backpack towards to St Michael and St George’s Church, a frequent location for Hammersmith & Fulham GoodGym group tasks. It was lovely to see the church hall being used during the day, as when I arrived there were a number of Hammersmith & Fulham food bank volunteers as well as local residents inside, who were collecting their food parcels and having tea & biscuits.

Once I explained that I was there to collect a food parcel on behalf of Mr S, one of the food bank volunteers gave him a call to see what his food preferences were. Whilst the food parcel was assembled, I was asked a little bit about GoodGym and what we do, so I had the the joy of explaining our volunteering to the food bank group. They were very interested in our work, and so I pointed them towards our website and passed on contact details - who knows, perhaps this could be the start of a new regular task for us! πŸ˜„

The food parcel was full of tinned and dried essentials - rice, tinned tomatoes, tuna, milk, fruit juice etc. - so hopefully they will keep Mr S going for a little while. With a very full and heavy backpack, I made the short cycle to Mr S’ flat to drop them off. He was very grateful for the delivery, thanking me warmly before I was on my way again.

It was certainly a very rewarding way to spend an hour! πŸ™‚

Report written by Bethan Critchley

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John Shirley
John Shirley
Wednesday March 15th, 2023 14:49

makes me feel happy just to read this

Bristol runner
Bristol runner
Wednesday March 15th, 2023 17:07

Brilliant stuff! Well done Bethan!

Bethan Critchley
Bethan Critchley
Thursday March 16th, 2023 20:35

Thank you both 😊

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