
Group run

Power failure... ?

3 GoodGymers made their way 3.3km to help their local community in Redbridge.

  • Peter Van Tongeren
  • James C
  • Nikheal
Monday, 22nd of April 2024
Led by Peter Van Tongeren

With the task changing from one to another to something different, it ended up with a little gardening at Wanstead House - removing old leaves from the flower beds.

Thinking to make life a bit easier, a leaf blower was brought along.... but it would have been useful if a battery would have been brought along as well 🤷‍♂️

Of course little hiccup like that won't put off determined Goodgymmers, so armed with hand tools we set to work. Soon enough it turned out that with all the nice plants 'in the way' we were risking doing more damage than good - perhaps we should try the leaf blowing another day instead.

So off we set on a run around Wanstead, giving James and myself the chance to get to know 1st timer Nikheal a bit better - a lovely gentleman - give him a cheer!

Next week we are planning a little community mission with the Wanstead Community Gardeners (log carrying??) followed by a social, so keep an eye on the website!

Report written by Peter Van Tongeren

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Peter Van Tongeren
Led by Peter Van Tongeren

Runner, cyclist, rugby player, Redbridge Taskforce and Run Leader - who knows what else will follow :-)

GoodGymers helping out
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • James C

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Bi-weekly group session - meet at Wanstead House at 6.30pm!

Monday, 5th of August 2024 18:30 - 20:00
Led by Peter Van Tongeren
Wanstead House Community Association

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