
Group run

P P P P Pick up a Pigeon!

3 GoodGymers made their way 4.4km to help the Pitsmoor Litter Pickers in Sheffield.

  • Tom Mutton
  • Sheffield runner
  • Tarj
Monday, 4th of December 2023
Led by Tom Mutton

What a grotty evening we had!

The rain was a pouring and it was dark and cold, but three braver GG'ers still made it out to go along and support the Pitsmoor Pickers to help battle the ongoing litter issue in the area.

All though at times the battle can get you down, we did have thanks from local people and the visual reminder of people litter picking in the area can help to get people to see, stop and think about changing their behaviour.

There were the usual finds but the grand prize must go to Tarj for picking up a pigeon and laying it to rest. True commitment Tarj!

It will be the last group run of the year next week, so be sure to sign up and hope to see you there!

Happy running :)

Report written by Tom Mutton

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Tom Mutton
Led by Tom Mutton

Sheffield Area Activator. PT, England Athletics Coach in Running Fitness & Tutor.

GoodGymers helping out
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Tarj

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Heeley People's Park - Preparing for the Handlebards!

Monday 18:30 - 20:15
Led by Tom Mutton
Showroom Cinema

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