
Group run

Newt would look amazing in the end

9 GoodGymers made their way 2.4km to help the Park Hill School in Croydon.

  • Conroy
  • Croydon runner
  • Croydon runner
  • Ellie Hutchison
  • Rosalind Vince
  • Hounslow runner
  • Andy Bates
  • Martin Crabbe
  • Sarah
Tuesday, 4th of June 2019
Led by Conroy

Today 9 runners set off from Solutions to Park hIll Junior School to assist in their forest School area. When we arrived Esther was there with her car filled with with plants that had been given to the school by the Chelsea flower show. Upon emptying the contents of her car she told that she would like us to plant the plants but before that we had to weed the area and dug up the soil. THe re was also a path along where the flowers were supposed to be planted where she wanted us to build a border with some left over wood from her shed, this was to prevent the children from walking into the flower bed once we had planted the flowers.

We got stuck in and some member of the group made themselves comfortable as they weeded the area for the plants, it wasn't before long that all the weeding had been completed when one of the members who was weeding realised that the ground she was sitting on was actually wet from the rain, how didn't knew it was wet? Good question but one even she was unable to answer.

She was so engrossed in weeding and chatting away that it wasn't until she had finished that she realised. (my explanation)

Elsewhere in the group other member were busy clearing the weeds from the path we had made on a previous visit as it had become over grown.

Andy and Ian was busily working away on creating the wooden border one was digging the soil while the other laid the border. The weeders had completed the weeding so in came the diggers, while the digging was going on the weeder moved to another area close to the pond to weed but it was a step too far for one member of the team. No she did not fall into the pond but I think there was a near miss! With weeding near the pond proving difficult and the digging crew had finished digging the soil the weeders changed jobs and began planting the plants. As they panted a few of us cleared some of the algae from the pond where we were able to spot some newts and tadpoles.

Before we newt, all the plants were planted and with 5 minutes to go we had a mad rush to lay gravel around the plants giving it a bit of an artistic look that Esther had requested.

Congratulations to Ian on completing his double good deeds today, Ian and myself was apart of the 150 strong volunteers at city hall this morning as part of team London and GoodGym run to do good for national volunteer week. Only 9 more deeds to go Ian before you are a member of the 50 club, sign up for some missions and some more double so we can celebrate your achievements at the next social on 25 June.

Next week Events

11th June group run to the Scouts to help tidy up their garden area sign up here, Juliet will be leading the group as I'm off to Portugal in search of some sun and relaxation please give her your support.

12th June The Dino Dash relay have you signed up as yet or registered your team?

Report written by Conroy

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Led by Conroy

Just a regular guy, who likes running, doing my bit for the community.

GoodGymers helping out
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Hounslow runner
  • Photographer

    Take photos for the session report

    • Croydon runner
  • Walk Leader

    Lead a walking group to the task

    • Ellie Hutchison

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Continuing our celebration

Tuesday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Conroy
By the seats in the park area

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