
Community mission

Mud, Milestones and Missed Signs

4 GoodGymers made their way to help the Holbrook Parkrun in Coventry.

  • Allan Mansfield
  • Coventry runner
  • Claire-Louise Norman
  • Chris Norman
Saturday, 9th of December 2023
Led by Allan Mansfield

Despite the rather unsavory weather and widespread cancellations across the country, four hardy GoodGymers braved the conditions to clear as much litter as possible prior to the start of Holbrooks Parkrun. This proved to be quite a challenge in the driving rain!

I addition to litter picking, we also helped the course checking team to identify areas that might be hazardous. The majority of Holbrooks Parkrun is on the grass, so there was no chance of avoiding a mud bath. However, with the really swampy areas coned off and a few minor diversions in place, the event was given the green light to go ahead.

Chris and Claire joined the tail walkers, while Allan stuck around until the end for close down.

The highlight of the day was the milestone celebrations for two members of the core team. Steve was celebrating his 500th Parkrun, while Tim was celebrating his 100th volunteering role. It was lovely of them to treat our little band of cold, wet, muddy GoodGymers with delicious cakes and fresh coffee.

Once everything was packed away (or so we thought...) we returned to the car to change into dry clothes and head to the cafe for brunch. However, we were flagged down by a kind gentleman who informed us that we'd missed a sign at the furthest possible end of the park. A quick trot and a few extra kilometers later, everything was back where it should have been.

Report written by Allan Mansfield

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Sorting at Clothing Coventry

Tuesday 18:15 - 20:00
Led by Laura Denham
Coventry Boys and Girls Club

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