
Community mission

Landfill 0, Belly Fill 30

2 GoodGymers made their way to help the South Liverpool Zero Waste Community in Liverpool.

  • Sallyann Hardwick
  • Ema Quinn
Friday, 20th of May 2022
Led by Ema Quinn

Another trip to join the amazing team of volunteers in the Friday night team for Liverpool Zero Waste Community.

Sallyann cycled her way to the venue and I walked so we arrived warmed up and ready for some table and chair shifting!

This session is normally very busy with nonstop crates and bags of food being dropped off ready to sort into bags for local families to come and collect. But this week was a little quieter than normal!

The spaces in-between drop offs (crates and bags of potatoes, bread, frozen ready meals, vegetables, fruit, pastries, cakes, sandwiches and flowers!) gave Sallyann and I time to catch up on her recent camping trip to the incredible Ilse of Skye and swap notes from my visit a few years back! While figuring out the differences between 'use by' and 'best before' we talked of beautiful scenery and magical skies, punctuated with a lifting a crate or two!

A swift clean up of tables and chairs to end and off Sallyann cycled while I managed to get a little lost choosing a scenic route to walk home, luckily google maps came to the rescue!

Even on a quieter night, 30 families and a couple of local community groups saved a lot of food from ending up in landfill this evening!

We'll be back again next month to help out, sign up here if you want to join us:

Report written by Ema Quinn

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Ema Quinn
Led by Ema Quinn

(she/her) Liverpool Area Activator, mountain hiking beach wanderer at heart, a surprised runner, and wild swimming wannabe.

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Teaming up with Friends of Everton Park!

Monday 18:30 - 20:30
Led by Sallyann Hardwick
'A Case History' by John King (The Suitcases)

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