

It's in the bag!

2 GoodGymers made their way to help an isolated older person in Sheffield.

  • Sheffield runner
  • Celine
Saturday, 15th of July 2023
Here's what Mrs Y of S6 had to say about the mission:

Thank you so much Celine and Michelle. Hope you didn't get too wet with the heavy rain. Important thing was that Mrs Y had someone there and knew she wouldn't be on her own. (referrer feedback)

Mrs Y of S6, mission beneficiary

Celine and Michelle met with Ms Y to help her carry her bags to her temporary accommodation after coming out of hospital.

There were few bags for us to carry but that would have been too much for just one person to carry.

After first being bemused by the key system to access the property and calling the apartment management, we worked it out.

Ms Y was really grateful and hugged us! I did not feel we did very much but it sure felt good to be useful!

We wish Ms Y a very happy move to her new accommodation.

Report written by Celine

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