
Community mission

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

3 GoodGymers made their way to help the Dorothy House Hospice in Bath.

  • Richard
  • Helen Conner
  • Meyrick Williams
Sunday, 3rd of December 2023
Led by Helen Conner

Thankfully the weather was a bit warmer than the icy temperatures of Saturday. With only rain to contend with, we were dressed suitably in our waterproofs to stand out in the elements to cheer on the participants of the Dorothy House Santa run.

Around 100 people wearing Santa suits jogged, walked, skipped and were pushed past our marshal point around the 2.5 km loop course.

We had the steep hill section so most people were holding onto their baggy trousers in a desperate attempt to keep them up!

Thankfully the costumes held it together whilst out on the course but we're not aware of how many made it to the finish line! Felt and water are not a good mix!

A great morning had by all

Report written by Helen Conner

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Helen Conner
Led by Helen Conner

Area Activator for Goodgym Bath. I love all things running and being immersed in nature. I'm partial to long distance trail races

GoodGymers helping out
  • Photographer

    Take photos for the session report

    • Meyrick Williams

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Help the volunteers at Sydney gardens!

Sunday 10:15 - 11:30
Led by Meyrick Williams

Bath Sports and Leisure Centre

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