
Group run

Involved with Evolve - clutching at straws for witty titles this week!

8 GoodGymers made their way 3.0km to help their local community in Croydon.

  • Juliet Stevenson
  • Neil Stevenson
  • Anna Bond
  • Dom Tooze
  • Croydon runner
  • Jennifer Laing
  • Natasha Etwaroo
  • Rupert Hinkes
Tuesday, 13th of December 2016
Led by Conroy

Tonight we ran "not very far at all" to deliver Christmas gift bags!

Tonight we headed off on a very special task for Evolve Housing and Support who are a leading homelessness charity in London providing supported housing for homeless people and working with 1500 people each year. This year the staff at Evolve had the wonderful idea of making up Christmas gift bags for all the residents in their supported housing around Croydon. They must have been working really hard as they had over 200 bags for us to deliver to four different sites. We split into two groups and loaded up with the gift bags and headed off into the night. One of the groups said they got a few suspicious looks as they ran through the streets clutching all their goodies. As well as delivering the bags we also donated toiletries, sweets and other bits and pieces for the Evolve team to make up into more gift bags for other local areas. As it was our last run of 2016 we wanted to make sure we delivered all the bags so the task did take up most of our time and there was no fun fitness session instead we headed straight to Boxpark for our Christmas social. Our numbers were depleted tonight due to the train strike but we made the best of it and between us all probably sampled most of the eateries - chips with various toppings did seem to be a big hit.

Rupert joined us for his first run tonight – we did have to tell him that not every GoodGym task had so little running or so much food!

Don’t forget that our next GoodGym group run isn’t until the 3rd of January but we are hoping to see a few of you at this Saturday’s Lloyd Park parkrun either volunteering or running.

To make up for the missing runs in December there are two runs in January at the weekend so please sign up and feel free to bring family or friends along.

Sunday 22nd of January and Saturday 28th of January.

They are particularly suitable for those who want to see what GoodGym is all about or who may be worried about the running bit.

If you want to find out more about Coach runs or Missions please email me on or have a look on the website. We now have around 17 older people/coaches ready to be paired with runners. Dom has been visiting his coach and can tell you all about it too.

I am also happy to do DBS checks for Coach runs/Missions before or after the Tuesday runs or we can arrange another time during the week if you can’t attend at these times.

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Gardening with Pam

Tuesday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Conroy
By the seats in the park area

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