
Group run

In a class of their own

6 GoodGymers made their way 1.8km to help the The Langley Academy Primary School in Slough.

  • Manjit Birk
  • Nisha Bilkhu
  • Slough runner
  • Pam Banga
  • Jean Watts
Monday, 3rd of June 2024
Led by Manjit Birk

Once a-pun a time....

Some of you may know this already but this is the school that my children attend and the task came about after the school put a shout out for parents to come help tidy it up one Sunday afternoon. A few parents came along that day but there were still plenty of tasks that needed doing hence our visit tonight. The Langley Academy Primary also connects a fair few of the GoodGym team as Nisha, Sut and Harsha also are GG members and TLAP parents.

Our primary role tonight was to tidy up planter bed by removing the grass, putting down the membrane (having a little snooze in the bed!); putting down some soil but removing the grass first (easier said than done) and finishing off with compost. Well I'd say we achieved a SAT score of above baseline on this one! We did manage to put down the membrane but ran out of staples in the gun; we did manage to empty the soil bags but there were a fair few chunks of grass in them which couldn't be used; so that resulted in the top compost having to be delayed - Sorry Miss..we did try!

Newly grown..

Nahush was on his first task with us and he did an amazing job - getting absolutely stuck into the task

Hair today...gone tomorrow

Not many GG'ers go get their hair and nails done before a GG task - but Nisha did...lucky we had a spare pair of gardening gloves to protect those perfect nails!

Channeling her inner thoughts

Sutyee did a great job of creating a channel for bulbs to be planted. She did it so quickly it was almost like she had a team of little people helping!

Gnome-body knows gardening like...

Jean and Pam - always grateful for their gardening insights and advice

Well done to everyone tonight for their hard efforts

We look forward to having a team social to celebrate a little birthday on Saturday!

Report written by Manjit Birk

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Manjit Birk
Led by Manjit Birk

Area Activator for Slough....Running is my passion....Marathons to park runs and anything in between.

GoodGymers helping out
  • Photographer

    Take photos for the session report

    • Nisha Bilkhu
  • Walk Leader

    Lead a walking group to the task

    • Slough runner
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Pam Banga

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St Mary's Church Clean Up x 6th Birthday Fun

Monday 18:30 - 20:15
Led by Manjit Birk
Upton Court Park

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