

I got Al di shopping done on my bike.

1 GoodGymer made their way to help an isolated older person in Barnet.

  • Paul Salman
Friday, 15th of April 2022

Mission was to do a small shop for Mrs M in North Finchley. She has been disabled by a bad accident and is making a good recovery but needs help with her shopping. British Red Cross has referred her to Goodgym Barnet and we are glad to help. It took me under an hour to cycle, collect the shopping ( from Aldi ), deliver the shopping to her flat and return home. That was 25 minutes of cycling about 7 km. I was averaging about 16 km/h probably faster than any car could possibly have done that journey at that time of day. Let alone the faff and or cost of parking! Simples! I get my exercise she gets her shopping!

Report written by Paul Salman

In partnership with British Red Cross.

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Saturday April 16th, 2022 16:02

Brilliant report Paul.

Tuesday April 19th, 2022 12:23

Nice one!

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