
Community mission

Ginnel Tonic

3 GoodGymers made their way to help the Golcar Environment Group in Huddersfield.

  • Saul Muldoon
  • Kati Law
  • Ben Godfrey
Saturday, 18th of November 2023
Led by Saul Muldoon

A Saturday morning spent with Golcar Environment Group clearing one of their many ginnels, gave us some welcome exercise. Shifting and bagging soil left the site ready for gravelling, which would make the ginnel look a lot better and be less prone to weeds.

Thanks as always for the efforts of GoodGym faithfuls Kati Law and Ben Godfrey.

Report written by Saul Muldoon

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Greenhead Park Maintenance

Thursday, 8th of August 2024 18:30 - 20:30
Led by Saul Muldoon
Huddersfield Leisure Centre

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