
Group run

Getting out of a Bind

4 GoodGymers made their way 1.5km to help their local community in Hackney.

  • anne malcolm
  • Joel Wiles
  • York runner
  • Heidi De Sousa
Wednesday, 27th of September 2023
Led by Joel Wiles

lovely dusk task in Clissold Park!

Grabbing as much Bind weed out if tge Rose garden as possible to allow the roses and wild flowers to get a bit of breathing room to grow and flourish!!

we managed to free up a big mound of Bind weed in 40 minutes of weeding action before the light closed in and we rush out of the park before (nearly) we got locked in!

Great team effort!

Report written by Joel Wiles

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London Fields mulching

Wednesday 18:30 - 20:00
Led by Joel Wiles
London Fields

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