Kingston upon Thames

Community mission

Garden spring cleaning

2 GoodGymers made their way to help the Canbury Community Garden in Kingston upon Thames.

  • Kingston upon Thames runner
  • Kingston upon Thames runner
Saturday, 9th of March 2024
Led by Kingston upon Thames runner

Two GoodGymers joined Marylin & Peter at Canbury Community Garden on this sunny Saturday.  Melissa cleared & cut back the grass turning the shaggy path into a sleek and trimmed lawn.   Marie-Noëlle & Marilyn tackled box 3 turning over compost and transferring it into box 2.  Roaming free the chicken had some proper protein intake, they LOVE 🪱 worms 🪱.  Peter repaired box 3 ready for new cuttings.  Before leaving Marylin gave us a lovely treat of fresh rhubarb.

Report written by Kingston upon Thames runner

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Create a window display for the British Heart Foundation shop

Tuesday 18:30 - 20:30
Led by Rachel White
The Quaker Centre

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