
Group run

Fair Ground-Work

6 GoodGymers made their way 6.0km to help their local community in Brent.

  • Ellie Hutch
  • Claire Thomson
  • Adam Harris
  • Hannah Churchman
  • Removed User
  • Guest
Monday, 16th of March 2015
Led by Pritesh Mistry

Monday the 16th was a “Fun A-fair” with GoodGym Brent.

Despite the chilly night, we gave a warm welcome to our 3 new recruits at our lovely base camp Willesden Sports Centre. After introductions and running through the ropes we hit the road at 7pm, into the dark towards the task for the night.

Weaving our way through the streets, we entered the gates of Roundwood Park, our quick cut through to Harlesden. On the approach we became quickly aware of the abandoned, half assembled stacks of rides and slides we were surrounded by. Roundwood Funfair is on its way, but in the shadows of the misty night, it was more like being on the set of a Stephen King movie…..bravely we sped up and made a sharp exit.

On we charged towards our goal - Harlesden Town Gardens, our task for the night. Upon our arrival we’re greeted by the lovely Bob, who explains that for a long time the gardens had only been a place to dump things, a place to avoid, a place where people do things that they want kept out of sight. The problems associated with this public garden in Challenge Close and the desire to create a garden that the whole community can enjoy, are the reasons GoodGym Brent were there to lend a hand.

Set to a soundtrack of 90s Hip Hop classics and lit up by the array of head torches and bike lights we set to work. Supplied with cutters and saws the overhanging foliage was no match for us!!! Adam, good with heights headed up the ladder, hacking and snapping the devilishly stubborn shrubbery, this was definitely a match made in hell, an opponent that Adam won’t forget in a hurry!! With Claire and Stephen digging the turf, Hannah and Ellie cleared and swept and Chris, our master photographer, what a TREE-Mendous team we made. Gathering and stacking fallen shrubbery was made even more fulfilling when we were informed we were building a hedgehogs dream house!! Hopefully we’ll get to join them for tea next time.

Here’s what Stephen our new recruit thought: “It took us about 10 - 15 minutes to run from the center to the community garden/park which was great because it meant we had more energy to get properly stuck in. I was digging up the rock hard soil to loosen the ground, so that eventually a flower-bed can be planted there to add colour to the place. Adam was cutting the vines from the wall and he became addicted to destroying them. Claire was cutting vines off of a beautiful tree that looked great after its 'haircut'. We all had torches to provide some light so we could see what we were doing and we all just got stuck it and had a good time, there were smiles all round.”

As the time drew to a close, the group finished off. Adam still reeling at the memories of his dastardly enemy, he even threatened a midnight dash back to finish him off!! With a quick swing on the monkey bars and Stephen schooling us on the art of pull-ups, we headed back into the night.

Quick feet drills and tempos take us back up to the park where an even darker path greets us and invites us in for a sprint, dash challenge from gate to gate. Still surrounded by the abandoned fairground rides and half expect a clown to jump out from behind the carousel!! Or perhaps the vines chasing us for revenge AGHHHHHHHHH. Freaking ourselves out we head towards the exit, but wait… the temptation is too much……. "Lets get on the dodgems for a quick spin”!!! Unlucky for us the electrics are off boooooooooo Despite Ghostly noises and imaginations running wild, we were brave enough to have a quick swing and half a spin before jumping the railings and back to civilization once more. Phewwwww

A fantastic team, a spooky adventure, a worthy task and a terrific night.

This is GoodGym Brent signing off.

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GG Brent - Clitterhouse gardening sesh!

Monday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Tabitha Skinner
Beer and Burger

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