Failure #2 for Mr W 😞

1 GoodGymer made their way to help an isolated older person in Hammersmith and Fulham.

  • Bethan Critchley
Friday, 13th of August 2021

After reading Lucy's run report from the previous day, I suspected that I may face a challenge in trying to deliver Mr W's prescription. Indeed I had a similar struggle to obtain Mr W's details - but thankfully I realised this before GoodGym HQ closed for the day and was able to get this from them via email. I thought this was the end of the struggle, but alas - the task was scheduled for 7-8pm on a Friday evening, which is after the pharmacy closes. Despite my best efforts to get there early, I didn't quite make it during Boots' opening hours as I was coming from another GoodGym mission.

I did my best to let Mr W know, but I couldn't get hold of him on the phone - I even tried calling again on Saturday a couple of times. When I eventually got through to him, it was clear that I wouldn't be able to deliver the prescription to him before the weekend was out. Hopefully Mr W will get the medication he needs very soon!

Report written by Bethan Critchley

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