
Community mission

Early Morning Fun

6 GoodGymers made their way to help their local community in Birmingham.

  • Chan S Nandhray
  • Liam
  • Rauul The Owl
  • Birmingham runner
  • Ryan Gibbs
  • Steven Wenlock
Saturday, 14th of May 2022
Led by John Hayes

Six Goodgymers made it happen at four parkrun events around and just outside the city today. Chan was out early setting up the course at Perry Hall before Raull came along and brought in the tail for his 50th volunteering day at parkrun. At Edgbaston Reservoir, Liam was the Run Director while Ryan took up a Marshal point on the course. Over at Woodgate Valley, Steven was doing lots of tasks before and after the run, while Ben was at Walsall Arboretum scanning barcodes and taking the beautiful pictures for the run report.

Report written by John Hayes

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John Hayes
Led by John Hayes

GoodGym Birmingham runner

GoodGymers helping out
  • Photographer

    Take photos for the session report

    • Birmingham runner

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Leafleting for Change Kitchen

Tuesday 18:00 - 19:45
Led by Miriam
171 Pineapple Road

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