Dust Can’t Get Enough

2 GoodGymers made their way to help an isolated older person in Hammersmith and Fulham.

  • Jess
  • Lucy Hill
Sunday, 4th of April 2021
Here's what Mr A of W12 had to say about the mission:

Feedback from the referrer: "Many thanks for your support . Please pass my thanks to Lucy and Jess. they did a great job and made a big difference to Mr A's life . He is very happy with the changes. "

Mr A of W12, mission beneficiary

It was a beautifully sunny Easter morning, and Jess & I had taken time away from our Lindt bunnies and mini eggs to come and help Mr A out.

Mr A greeted us at the door, and invited us in. He very much insisted on us having a sit down so he could eggsplain to us what had gone on. Poor old Mr A had gone for an operation last July, and had gone to stay his son who lives on the south coast while he recovered. However, what should have been a short period of convalescence turned into 8 or 9 months, and Mr A had only just gotten back to his own home a few weeks earlier.

The first job was to move two carpets - one from the front door, and one on the upstairs landing. They were a trip hazard, as the corners were curling up. Jess and I were on a roll, and both carpets were soon tucked in the corner as per Mr A’s request, neatly and safely out of the way.

The second request was up the stairs, to the back room. Mr A had been sleeping in the smaller bedroom (it was the cosiest and warmest, he explained), however the mattress was worn and needed a flip, as it was quite uncomfortable to sleep on. Well, Jess and I soon had that seen to, and Mr A came to chick out his turned mattress; ‘much better’ he smiled.

Whilst we had been downstairs talking, Mr A had apologised for the state of his house. Having not lived in his property for all that time, it was a little dusty. He had been given a lovely new Henry Hoover, but couldn’t get it up the stairs to get vacuuming. Whilst we were here, we might as well help him out with that too. It was true, there was a thick layer of dust engrained into the carpets, and in the spirit of Easter, we would get the carpets to rise again.

Whilst Jess helped to make the bed (having stripped it off to turn the mattress), I got down on my knees with Henry. I have to say, it was eggstremely satisfying watching the grey turn into pink and blue again as the thick layers of dust got sucked away. We did get quite carried away, and between us we hoovered the hallway, bedrooms and bathroom, saying goodbye to the dust bunnies that had made a home there.

Mr A was visibly delighted with our efforts, and couldn’t stop admiring his newly cleaned carpets. It was a little thing, but it had made such a difference to him. Once Mr A had finished singing our praises (we did have to cut him short or we probably would never had left, bless him), we took the eggsit back into the sunshine. A quick H&F hero selfie, and we made our separate ways back home and back to our Easter chocolates which hopefully were still waiting for us.

Report written by Lucy Hill

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York runner
York runner
Tuesday April 6th, 2021 10:56

Fantastic work Lucy and Jess. What a difference!

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