

Digging it in the sun

1 GoodGymer made their way to help an isolated older person in Bournemouth.

  • Sue MacDermott
Thursday, 20th of July 2023

Mrs S’s neighbour , ( lovely Mrs D), and I had a fun time weeding and digging over an overgrown flower bed. Mrs D will be putting in some plants later that were given to Mrs S for her birthday then laying down some bark chippings to keep the weeds away . Next we tackled part of another flower bed where black weed control membrane was laid many years ago and had been completely overtaken by weeds. Great fun ripping it up. Mrs S used to enjoy looking after her large garden but her poor health now prevents that . She has some lovely neighbours supporting her and helping to keep her spirits up by trying to make her garden nice . It was great to add a bit more help to their gardening project.

Report written by Sue MacDermott

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Thursday July 20th, 2023 17:11

Great job Sue!

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To finish sanding and painting the log cabin in Boscombe Chine Gardens

Monday, 5th of August 2024 18:15 - 20:00
Led by Caprice McWilliams
Kings Park Cricket Pavillion

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